10 Low Maintenance Fish: The Easiest Fish to Care for in Your Aquarium

Starting an aquarium is quite exciting, but let’s face it – it can also feel a bit overwhelming especially when it comes to selecting the fish. I get where you’re coming from; “I want fish that’re easy to look after yet still visually appealing.”

In this guide we’ll take a look at the 10 low maintenance freshwater fish that are an excellent fit for any aquarium. These fish not only boast looks but also require minimal care making them great choices for beginners and busy enthusiasts alike. Let’s dive in!

Why Opt for Low Maintenance Fish?

You might be wondering, “What’s the deal with choosing low maintenance fish?” Here’s the gist; these fish simplify your life. They are resilient, adaptable and less susceptible to illnesses meaning you spend time fretting and more time relishing your environment. And here’s the cherry, on top – you don’t have to be a pro to ensure they stay happy and healthy.

Siamese Fighting Fish – Betta Fish

I bet you’ve laid eyes on these stunners before. Siamese Fighting Fish are renowned for their hues and graceful fins. They are exceptionally resilient and can thrive in tanks.
The key is to keep them by themselves or with calm tank companions to prevent any conflicts.


I can almost hear you saying, “Guppies are so common!”. You know what? They are popular for a reason. Guppies are really easy to take care of and come in a variety of colors. They adjust well to water conditions and are quite resilient.

Neon Tetras

Fresh water Neon Fish found in Amazon river

Now if you’re considering adding some colors to your tank Neon tetras are a great choice. They’re peaceful and low maintenance. It’s best to keep them in schools of at least six for their well-being. But you can keep smaller amounts if you have a smaller tank. I personally have a 3 gallon fish tank that I keep only 3 guppies in, and they are very active and happy.


One thing we can all agree on; mollies are amazing additions to any freshwater aquarium. They are highly adaptable and can tolerate changes in water salinity. With their array of colors and patterns they bring a nice touch to your tank.

Corydoras Catfish

I believe you’ll agree that a tank isn’t complete without some dwelling fish. Corydoras catfish excel as cleaners and require little upkeep. They coexist peacefully in groups making them ideal for community tanks.


You know what? Platies are an excellent choice for low maintenance fish. They’re tough, easy to breed and come in all sorts of colors. They get along with other peaceful fish, which makes them a perfect fit for community tanks.

Bristlenose Pleco

Now if you’re thinking about algae control Bristlenose plecos are top notch at keeping algae at bay and are super easy to take care of. They don’t grow as big as some plecos so they’re just right for a 30 gallon tank or larger.


It just dawned on me; swordtails are the mix of beauty and simplicity. Their distinctive tail shape really makes them stand out. Similar to platies they’re a breeze to breed and require little upkeep.

Zebra Danios

Zebra danios are incredibly resilient and can adjust to water conditions with ease. They love swimming in groups adding a lively touch to your tank.

Cherry Shrimp

Would you believe it? Cherry shrimp aren’t fish at all, but they make great low maintenance additions to any tank. These little guys help keep things tidy by munching on algae and detritus and they are sooo easy to breed! Also, their red hue adds a unique touch against the greenery and gravel in your tank.

Guidelines for Simple Fish Care

Remember, even fish that require minimal upkeep still need proper attention. Here’s how you can ensure your aquarium inhabitants stay healthy and content:

  • Regular Water Changes: Make sure to change the water on a schedule to maintain its quality.
  • Proper Feeding: Give your fish a rounded diet. Be mindful not to overfeed them.
  • Monitor Water Quality: Check the water parameters regularly to ensure they are suitable for your fish.
  • Tank Maintenance: Keep the tank clean by removing any debris and performing upkeep.

In Conclusion

So, what’s the solution to a beautiful yet low maintenance aquarium? The answer is simple: choose the right fish. By selecting from our list of low maintenance freshwater fish, you can enjoy a stunning aquarium without the hassle. Happy fish keeping!

Tiffany Wilson

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